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Stanford Stanford WebCamp 2023 All Things Web - By community, for community

UPDATED: "Boy Scout" Web Strategy -- switching from "Be Prepared," to "Wilderness Survival"

Content Strategy
PM / Business
Site Building
UX / Design

UPDATE:  The presentation I'd planned to give was about how to be ready for a disaster tomorrow -- and now that we are *in* a disaster, that hardly seems valid -- but perhaps I can pass on other lessons I have learned from previous disasters to be more helpful to everyone today.

Current events are very similar to my experience at ground-zero during Katrina -- and that includes emotionally. This is pretty personal to me -- and deadly real (see below).

ABOUT ME:  I've searched through rubble for survivors after tornados. I've done disaster plans for medical facilities, and helped their recovery afterwards. I'm a certified Rescue Diver. And I lead the final content team for the "" disaster planning website.

TODAY:  I'm supporting patient communications work for healthcare administration; looking at the numbers and the strategies every day.  --  The first week of COVID-19 "Safer-at-home," was 12 to 18 hour days, almost every day -- for everyone not related to healthcare I hope this has been much less intense, and that my disaster experiences can be a benefit to you.

So I'm going to talk about where we are *now* and then what to expect from this situation, and hopefully what to learn as we come out the other side of it. 

As you enjoy WebCamp here at Stanford this weekend, take a quick moment to waive at the Sword of Damocles -- the San Andreas Fault lying just to the west of us. Does it ever make you nervous?

Emergency and disaster events happen -- it is not a question of "if" only when, and the only way to be good Boy Scout and "Be Prepared," is to do so ahead of time, because during those events it will be too late -- and far too chaotic. 

Such events can be of different degree, or nature -- tragically, a type of event that has become more common is a mass-shooting in public place, or private office. These are among the most heartbreaking, but I am not here for fear-mongering.

I grew up in Boy Scouts and in 2005 I was at ground-zero for Hurricane Katrina. In in 2011, I used those lessons to help produce the "" website about disaster readiness.

Now, I'd like to help you understand  your client's website and social media needs during an emergent situation -- what content they need, when to use it, and how to activate it during such unexpected unusual circumstances.

Having some relevant pages to throw up and "switch-on" by remote can support the disaster-mitigation plans for your clients. Schools and hospitals will have extra special needs and regulations to consider ahead of time. 

In this session, we will talk about how to help your clients "Be Prepared," with their online needs by including that into their content-design, and their work-flow design as well. We will see where online content has often created an information lifeline when all other communication channels have failed, and consider how that might inform the strategy our clients need to use.

Boy Scouts try to, "Do a good deed daily," and today we can too, by servicing our clients and our whole community -- together. 



